Restro App: A
Healthy & Delicious
Treat Anywhere Anytime
Restaurant Application Development
A happy way to Say "No to Hunger" - with Appetito - a resto & customer food delivery app. This live & bi-directional communication Channel act as a bridge for both the user and restaurant Admin's for easy ordering and automatic delivery handling respectively.
About Client:
The founders of Appetito have been restaurateurs for more than 15 years- passionate about what customers like and what they like least to create an unparalleled experience.
Each restaurant is different from another, even franchises struggle to be 100% with the same menu for changes in tastes and demographics.
Appetito was mooted with the aim to adapt to your menu no matter the obstacles that this presents, and this first platform to do so.

Technology Used:
The flexible and highly secure application - build using Shocket.io (it plays an important role in executing an automatic delivery handling). Laravel and PHP in the Back-end make it even more stable. The Continual UI / UX Upgrades and the
Minor Bug Fix is the USP of the product.
For Android -
The Android was best complimented for Customer & delivery.
For iOS:
The app in iPad and iOS (Customer + Restro) whereas,
The website for Admin panel
Client Challenge:
The major challenge was to render automatic delivery handling which was ideally shorted out by Shocket.io - helped to save time and at the same ensuring relevancy.
Advantages of Restaurant Application Development:
Syncronised Ordering system ensures proper management
A robust delivery handling system
Live bi-directional communication. client<-> admin
Dynamic and Secure Payment System
Geofencing allows fetching nearby restaurants app