Many of us think of artificial intelligence or AI as an alien tool. Its notion brings into the mind images of robots moving or talking mechanically. They take us to a scene best witnessed in sci-fi movies or in any hi-tech astronomical research centers to the like of NASA.
The American Heart Association has got its new registrar
What is AHA? It?s a non-profit organization that does a commendable job alleviating the cardio vascular diseases in the country. How is Amazon Lex enabling the nonprofit to work better and save operating cost? It helps the organization to register participants joining its Heart Walk events across the countries. The purpose of the events is to raise funds to support the cause. Ideally, around a million citizens participate in the event.
The chatbot also helps it to register new patients and disseminate vital information to them. Here is what Roger Santone, Executive Vice President of Technology at the AHA says about Amazon Lex:
?We used Amazon Lex?s AI technology to streamline the registration process so prospective Heart Walk participants can use their natural voice to easily register through heartwalk.org. We are committed to the role that technology plays in enabling consumers, patients, and physicians to achieve better health outcomes and to further the mission of the AHA.?
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So would you rate this chatbot any lesser than a volunteer?
2. OhioHealth makes use of AI chatbot to improve patient care
What is OhioHealth? This is a not-for-profit organization comprising of around 21,000 physicians, associates and volunteers working in 17 hospitals, 20 health and surgery centers, and home-health providers across 40-county area.
What does the AI chatbot handle? The chatbot utilizes the evolving speech recognition and natural language processing technology to respond to the queries of patients, attendants and medical professionals.
Here is what Michael Krouse, Senior Vice President Operational Support, and Chief Information officer, OhioHealth has to say about the transformation:
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?Amazon Lex?s next-generation technology and the innovative applications we are developing using it will help provide an improved customer experience. We are just scratching the surface of what is possible.?
3. Korean Air uses AI to accelerate the address of maintenance cases by 95% faster
IBM Watson-powered chatbot helps the maintenance departments of Korean Air to tap into the tons of historical maintenance records - structured and unstructured both - for hundreds of aircrafts in its fleet to diagnose and fix prevailing issues with any aircraft.
How Watson works for the airlines? Cabin crew after noticing any issue can raise or escalate the matter to the maintenance team by Watson, which matches the technical issue details with the existing database and tries to pull out the troubleshooting guidelines that were followed in the past to fix the similar issue. It saves time and effort of the maintenance staff.
Benefit to the business? Utilizing valuable past learnings and courses of action, the Korean Air has been able to elevate its maintenance efficiency by 95%. So with faster maintenance, the airlines are able to operate seamlessly and serve its passengers the most. Timely and prompt maintenance also adds life to the flight carrier.
The chatbot keeps a record of the action plan followed by the maintenance technician and helps in building a more purposeful knowledge base.
Conclusion: Artificial intelligence adoption is still in infancy, and hence, there are few IT services provider that have truly championed the skills. Hence, from technology know-how to domain expertise to industry knowledge, put an array of things into consideration before you hire your chatbot development company.